Mushrooms are a rare grow-your-own plant that is growing in popularity. They require longer than other plants to cultivate, however, mushroom-growing kits are simpler ways to grow them, and also give you the possibility of growing “gourmet” varieties, such as oyster and shiitake and also the more common button mushrooms.

Mushrooms can be grown indoors or out in boxes or beds that have been prepared or on wood logs outside. Growing indoors in a controlled setting is the most effective way to get results. The weather and the outdoor conditions can affect the outcome of mushrooms that are grown in bed and logs, whereas mushrooms grown in a forest tend to have higher success.

In this video tutorial, the experts from Caley Brothers share their best suggestions for growing mushrooms, and how much you need to keep them hydrated.

How do you grow mushrooms?

There are a variety of methods to cultivate mushrooms. It is possible to purchase spawn from mushrooms to plant in boxes or beds filled with compost or manure. You can also buy a mushroom growing kit, which typically includes the growing medium and spawn, such as straw or wood shavings. If you’re able to access freshly cut logs and you want to purchase wood dowels or plugs that have been treated with spawn. You put into holes that have been pre-drilled within the log.

Where can you grow mushrooms?

Mushrooms thrive under cover in areas where moisture and temperature can be managed. A garage, shed, or garden cold frame cellar is ideal in any location away from the sunlight where it is possible to allow mushrooms their ideal temperature for growth which is around 15 degrees Celsius (the temperature shouldn’t fall below 10°C or higher than 20°C. Outdoors, mushrooms can be grown in compost heaps or inside logs but should be kept in a shaded area, away from direct sunlight.

Growing mushrooms in boxes or beds

A fertile, rich, and moisturizing growing medium is required for the growth of mushrooms. The most common material used to grow mushrooms is the manure of horses which you may purchase at your local garden center or local stables. If your manure remains still fresh put it in the heap and pour it up to mix every few days for about a week until the heap is cool and settled.

Make sure you keep the medium damp. Spread the spawn over the surface, and mix it up to 5-8 cm deep before covering it with damp newspaper. After a few weeks, once the thread-like mycelium appears, remove the newspaper. Cover mycelium with a 3 to 5-cm layer of 50 percent compost or garden soil combined with 50 percent lime. Use water to ensure the moistness is maintained by using a hose a spray accessory or a watering bottle equipped with a rose that is fine. Mushrooms will begin to appear a few weeks after the sowing.

How do you cultivate mushrooms on logs?

mushrooms at home

The cultivation of mushrooms in logs can be simple because the logs require very minimal attention once the dowels are put in. But, you will need to drill and supply your wood. They must be hardwood, not conifers, and cut from healthy wood. Logs should be freshly cut, and the dowels inserted within 6 weeks after cutting. The most suitable woods to choose from are beech, oak, hornbeam, chestnut hazel, and birch. Maple, maple, or holly. Logs must be 10-15cm in diameter and 45-60cm in length.

Drill holes in across the log’s length spaced 15cm apart and in rows of 8cm. Put the dowels that have been impregnated in each of the holes. Certain kits include sealing wax. Seal each dowel with the wax when it is directed to. Put it in a shaded location, in a shaded area, under trees, or in the shade of shrubs and with one end resting on the ground, one propped on top, and make sure it is kept wet. The mushroom can take between 12 and 18 months to grow.

How do you grow oyster mushrooms?

Purchase a box of oyster mushroom spawn with a straw. Soak the straw in water for a night to ensure that it’s damp. Discard any water that has accumulated. Mix the mushroom spawn and the damp straw and place it into a plastic bag-like bin liner. Seal and then leave for 6 months in a moist protected, shaded area that is between 20 and 25°C in a location like your compost pile. As straw begins to break down, the spawn of mushrooms will begin to grow and colonize the straw.

In this video, Monty Don demonstrates how to grow oyster mushrooms inside straw:

After six weeks, the oyster mushroom spores have colonized the straw inside the bag. Transfer the bags to an airy, warm, and humid environment like your greenhouse. Cut slits through the bag so that oyster mushrooms can expand through the bags.

Monty Don checks on the growth of his oysters:

Two weeks later, look through the bag to determine whether oyster mushrooms have grown. The straw will continue to produce mushrooms over several weeks.

Help with buying mushrooms

Dowels and mushroom spawns can be purchased via mail from specialist suppliers of mushrooms and certain vegetable seed distributors.

Be sure to purchase the appropriate mushroom kit to meet your requirements and the space available. The success of your mushroom kit is contingent on the ideal conditions for your mushrooms to thrive.

Where can I buy mushrooms?

Need ideas for how you can make use of your crop? Our colleagues at Olive have curated a wonderful assortment of Recipes for mushrooms It also includes a delicious mushroom rice.